Holy Cross kids cleaning up the beach near the cut
It was certainly an eye opener for me. The first thing I noticed was that the children were so friendly. They welcomed their foreigner visitor and were the most polite children I had ever seen.
In the classroom, I could hear scuffling of books and papers and saying shhhhhhh, because, of course I am assuming, they have that much respect for Vernon. I also noticed that this school is modest in it's appearance, but seems to be teaching things school in North America could learn a thing or two from. I read the writing on the wall myself. Instead of your everyday graffiti, instead it said , Love your family and Help the sick.
I chatted with Vernon with length and took and walk through San Mateo. I learned of some of the difficulties these hardworking families deal with. I learned how much the community is benefiting from the school and how they would like to to expand, to increase career opportunities for these children to work towards, and judging from their behaviour, they certainly have the discipline and motivation to financially EXCEL in any part of the world.
I hope that I will be able to return year after and see the school grow. Thank you for a wonderful tour, and I am thankful for all the hard work, effort, and love you put into your school. May you be blessed with tonnes of abundance, and goodwill.
Joanne from Canada

Labels: Guest blogger, Visiting Holy Cross
In an effort to get the kids thinking about their future, Holy Cross School held Career Day on Monday February 25th at 1 pm.
12 people, local and from abroad came out to teach the kids about the work world. The speakers covered a wide range… banking, tourism, hospitality, Ambergris Caye Apprenticeship program, agriculture, Police, medical, health and wellness.
The kids leaned why it is important to do what they love, what skills they will need to focus on in order to advance in the career world such as math science language, spelling to name a few. They also leaned what schooling is required for each field and how they can earn an income within that field and also have the potential to travel and relocate in different places. Some jobs such as Atlantic Bank positions are open to learning new skills be promoted from within - other jobs such as yoga instructor showed the value of being flexible in body and mind within the work world.
Big thanks to our speakers - Cheri, Lydia, Chris from Casa Picasso, Danny, Emily, Deacon Tess, Atlantic Bank – Ellis Sanchez, Vito Herrera, Jody Martinez, Melissa Cuellar, San pedro Police dept - Dwayne McCulloch Cpl 900, Randy Lyons pc# 225
Lydia Cheri Chris and Miss Grace
Ellis Vito Jody Melissa - Atlantic Bank
Crunching numbers with Atlantic Bank
Atlantic Bank staff
Danny Officers Dwayne and Randy
Raise your hand if you know the answer
Labels: Special events, Volunteer
We are especially needing small exercise books, large rolls of clear tape, copy paper - white and colored, blank cd's in jewel cases, batteries - AAA and AA - permanent markers - wide tip in black, blue, red and green, bulliten board materials, construction paper.
Blessings and many thanks!
Labels: Wish List
Kids and adults all had a great time at the Valentines fair. Staff did a wonderful job in organizing this. Thanks go to all who came up to support the event and made donations of time prizes food and money.
Labels: Fiesta, Fundraiser
We all enjoyed the Art Sale last night at sunset grille and people were able to buy some wonderful art work at a great price to help a good cause. Watching tarpon feeding
A bunch of the message boarders

Labels: Fundraiser
Our friend Dick's folks are in town and had asked me to bring them to the school so they could drop off their donations. I already had some other stuff from message boarders who came to town bearing valentines treats.
We are getting ready for the big Valentines fair on Friday February 15th 9 am - 2 pm. There will be food for sale and you are all invited to the party - limbo, sac races and lots of fun make it a perfect time to visit the school and see the kids in action. I think DB's son Ryan will be baking some scones, those alone are worth the trip.Suitcase full of donations - Miss Grace principle Janet and John
Group picture
Valentines donations from all over
John John Janet - middle John is helping build new library and pc lab with his mission group
Girls watching the new library / computer lab get built

Labels: Donations, Visiting Holy Cross, Volunteer