Audiologists.....Two volunteer Audiologists came to the School this past Friday and tested students who had been identified with possible hearing issues. Several children were fitted with hearing aids, a few had major infections and were sent to the PolyClinic for treatment and one little girl was found to have a perforated ear drum. Unfortunately, she will have to have surgery to repair the damage. The next step will be to send her to Belize City for additional evaluation. Many thanks to Dr. Linda and Dr. Edith!
I will mail out the package tomorrow. Just added a Science book and
Workbook as well. As for the kites, 2 Hello Kitty, 2 Nemo, 1 Toy Story, 1 Spider-man
2 packs of colored construction paper with crayons 1 sidewalk chalk.
Thank you for mentioning the kids speak loud and clear post, I will check it out.
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*Last year a couple from California visited Holy Cross and instantly fell in love with our wonderful students. They returned to San Pedro this year just in time to help decorate for the Christmas party, serve as Santa's elves and give an incredible donation to the School. Unbeknownst to us, Kris and Jeff sent a beautiful letter to friends and family explaining the story of Holy Cross and how many disadvantaged children were receiving free breakfast, snack and lunch, dental and medical care, greatly reduced or free tuition, uniforms and school supplies. They received almost forty checks and lovingly brought them to Holy Cross. In addition, they personally matched EACH donation. Those contributions enabled the School to make a significant dent in our Computer Center building debt. Now we 'only' owe the hardware stores and lumber yard $53,000US!!!!
*And, just yesterday cases of apples and grapes 'appeared' on the School doorstep with instructions to give them to needy families in San Mateo. Three of our teachers gave up part of their vacation to come and decorate Christmas bags and almost 100 families received a delicious treat! Apples
One gift can certainly inspire others!! Holy Cross Anglican School is incredibly grateful to EVERYONE who has shared time, talent, treasure and prayers to keep this School thriving and moving forward. We thank God for the outpouring of His grace and continue to seek His guidance in all we do. Donations of land fill, food for the Feeding Program, gently worn tennis shoes, school supplies and cash contributions are always needed and greatly appreciated!!! Please send your gift to:
Holy Cross Anglican School
San Pedro Town
Ambergris Caye, Belize
We hope that you will share the blessings of this joyful season with the children of Holy Cross Anglican School. May God richly bless you and those you love in the coming New Year!!
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Holy Cross Anglican School
Christmas is a time of great excitement here at Holy Cross Anglican School. Christmas carols are sung, the Nativity Pageant rehearsed, Christmas gifts lovingly made and the Birthday Party for Jesus anxiously anticipated.
In the midst of all this excitement we tell and re-tell the story of Jesusʼ miraculous birth over 2,000 years ago. Our students learn about the angels and shepherds, the star shining bright, the visit of the wise men and the incredible good news of Jesus! We are blessed to be able to share all these wondrous events with our little ones!!
We pray that the joy of Jesus will fill your heart this day and always.
The students and staff of Holy Cross Anglican School join with Vernon and me in wishing you a Blessed and Joyous Christmas Season!
Francis & Vernon Wilson
Donations can be made via check payable to: Holy Cross Anglican School San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize
To see Santa's Elves at Holy Cross please visit Ambergris Today blog.
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