Ole Miss Winter Camp

Exploring science - shadow drawings

The kids of San Pedro had a very welcome addition to their Christmas Holidays this year - a team from one of our favorite partners - the University of Mississippi - brought down a wonderfully talented team, who ran a fun winter camp for the local kids. Each day brought different activities - science experiments, cheer leading, arts and crafts, fitness tests, games and more.

As an observer it was simply delightful to see our students getting so absorbed in these activities. The girls simply loved dancing, and some had great rhythm and style. Strangely, many of the boys really enjoyed doing simple jig saw puzzles, and my fondest memory is of watching these boys concentrating so hard and working so co-cooperatively to complete puzzles together.

An Old Miss student interviews a local boy

The 24 Ole Miss students and professors came from a variety of faculties incuding social work, education, exercise science and journalism and were headed up the amazing Dr Kim Shackelford, who has done some much to help the children of San Mateo.

Thank you so much Ole Miss for brining smiles to the kids of San Pedro

Learning the cheer leading moves

Totally absorbed in finger knitting

The boys get competitive with push ups


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